Article 5114

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Kasovich Aleksandr Andreevich, Postgraduate student, Saratov State University named after N.G.Chernyshevskogo (83 Astrakhanskaya street, Saratov, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. Relevance of this research is defined by that the features of the political protest movement in the modern Russia, caused by the reasons of social and economic character, are studied insufficiently. In this regard the purpose of the article is to detect the specifics of the social and economic reasons of a political protest in Russia.
Materials and methods. The methodology of the article is based on the analysis of results of the sociological researches conducted in Russia by the Institute of sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the analytical center of Levada Center. The retrieved data are discussed in a context of the theory of the relative deprivation by R. T. Garr.
Conclusions. With differences in the immediate reasons for a protest in different segments of population, it can be argued that one of the main causes of mass antigovernment actions in modern Russia was discontent with social injustice. After a brief period of recovery of public confidence, the government failed by various reasons to justify the rising expectations of citizens. As a result power structures faced a cornerstone at the heart of which are not economic, but moral and ethical requirements. It is conditionally possible to divide them into personal experiences of a man concerning injustice occurring around and dissatisfaction with a moral and ethical status of the power.

Key words

political protest, social injustice, reasons for displeasure, actions of protest.

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Дата создания: 26.09.2014 08:31
Дата обновления: 26.09.2014 12:02